About Us
My wife and I are a small, home based business. I have been in electronics, computers, radio repair and restoration as a professional for over 50 years. I have restored hundreds (perhaps thousands) of radios for a multitude of private people and companies and have been doing this business before, and now especially after my retirement from industry. I hold FCC licenses for commercial radio repair as well as for Amateur Radio. Electronics has been my life and passion and now that I am into retirement I enjoy it much more. Hopefully, I can bring joy into your life with the restoration of your treasured family heirloom or just an old treasure you just found at a flea market!
I am also a radio collector. I especially love the Philco and Zenith radios from the 1930's and 1940's. I only have so much room to display those that I collect and restore, so from time to time I offer them for sale. If I currently have a radio for sale, it will be on my Radios for Sale page.